Package org.free.garminimg.swing |
Class org.free.garminimg.swing.ExportDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
MapTransformer<T> selectionTransformer
MapTransformer<T> sampleTransformer
javax.swing.JPanel filler
MapPanel<COORD> selectionMapPanel
MapControlPanel<COORD> selectionControlPanel
int width
int height
MapPanel<COORD> mapSamplePanel
java.io.File file
FileExporter fileExporter
javax.swing.JLabel fileLabel
javax.swing.JComboBox formatsSel
javax.swing.JButton generate
Class org.free.garminimg.swing.MapControlPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: 1624371546932123247L
Serialized Fields |
MapPanel<COORD> mapPanel
MouseGestures previousMouseGestures
Class org.free.garminimg.swing.MapPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -9138170724378387157L
Serialized Fields |
MapTransformer<T> transformer
ImgFilesBag map
MapConfig config
javax.swing.Popup popup
MapPanelThread<COORD> thread
Class org.free.garminimg.swing.SampleApp extends javax.swing.JFrame implements Serializable |
serialVersionUID: -3781560455797537921L
Serialized Fields |
javax.swing.JPanel jContentPane
javax.swing.JMenuBar jJMenuBar
javax.swing.JMenu fileMenu
javax.swing.JMenuItem exitMenuItem
javax.swing.JMenuItem openMenuItem
javax.swing.JMenuItem exportMenuItem
javax.swing.JMenu searchMenu
javax.swing.JMenuItem searchMenuItem
MapPanel<COORD> mapPanel
ExportDialog<COORD> dialog
Class org.free.garminimg.swing.SearchPanel extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
java.lang.String previousSearch
MapPanel<COORD> mapPanel
java.util.List<E> results
javax.swing.JList list
javax.swing.JLabel detail
int minLon
int maxLon
int minLat
int maxLat
int resolution
int kindFilter
javax.swing.JTextField searchText
java.util.BitSet typeFilter
java.util.Vector<E> polylineTypeNames
java.util.ArrayList<E> polylineTypeValues
java.util.Vector<E> polygonTypeNames
java.util.ArrayList<E> polygonTypeValues
java.util.Vector<E> pointTypeNames
java.util.ArrayList<E> pointTypeValues
Package visad |
Class visad.Delaunay extends java.lang.Object implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
int[][] Tri
Tri = new int[ntris][dim + 1]
This is the key output, a list of triangles (in two dimensions, tetrahedra in three dimensions, etc). ntris is the number of triangles.
In 2-D, Tri[i] is an array of 3 integers, which are three indices into the samples[0] and samples[1] arrays to get the x and y values of the three vertices of the triangle.
In 3-D, Tri[i] is an array of 4 integers, which are four indices into the samples[0], samples[1] and samples[2] arrays to get the x, y and z values of the four vertices of the tetrahedron.
This pattern continues for higher dimensionalities.
int[][] Vertices
Vertices = new int[nrs][nverts[i]]
nrs is the number of samples (the length of the samples[0] and samples[1] arrays. For sample i, Vertices[i] is a (variable length) list of indices into the Tri array above, giving the indices of the triangles that include vertex i.
nverts is an array as the second index of the Vertices array since different vertices may be part of different numbers of triangles.
You can use Tri and Vertices together to traverse the triangulation. If you don't need to traverse, then you can probably ignore all arrays except Tri.
int[][] Walk
Walk = new int[ntris][dim + 1]
Also useful for traversing the triangulation, in this case giving the indices of triangles that share edges with the current triangle.
int[][] Edges
Edges = new int[ntris][3 * (dim - 1)];
'global edge number' is the number of an edge that is unique among the whole triangulation. This number is not an index into any array, but will match for a shared edge between two triangles.
int NumEdges
boolean nonConvex
Class visad.DelaunayClarkson extends Delaunay implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
float[][] site_blocks
int[][] a3s
int a3size
int nts
int dim
int p
long pnum
int rdim
int cdim
int exact_bits
double b_err_min
double b_err_min_sq
double ldetbound
int failcount
int lscale
double max_scale
float Sb
int nsb
int nbb
int ss
int ss2
long vnum
int p_neigh_vert
int[] voidp
int[] voidp_bn
int[][] bbt_next
int[][] bbt_next_bn
int[][] bbt_ref_count
int[][] bbt_lscale
double[][] bbt_sqa
double[][] bbt_sqb
double[][][] bbt_vecs
int ttbp
int ttbp_bn
int ib
int ib_bn
int basis_s_list
int basis_s_list_bn
int pnb
int pnb_bn
int b
int b_bn
int[][] sbt_next
int[][] sbt_next_bn
long[][] sbt_visit
short[][] sbt_mark
int[][] sbt_normal
int[][] sbt_normal_bn
int[][] sbt_peak_vert
int[][] sbt_peak_simp
int[][] sbt_peak_simp_bn
int[][] sbt_peak_basis
int[][] sbt_peak_basis_bn
int[][][] sbt_neigh_vert
int[][][] sbt_neigh_simp
int[][][] sbt_neigh_simp_bn
int[][][] sbt_neigh_basis
int[][][] sbt_neigh_basis_bn
int simplex_list
int simplex_list_bn
int ch_root
int ch_root_bn
int ns
int ns_bn
int[] st
int[] st_bn
int[] st2
int[] st2_bn
Class visad.DelaunayFast extends Delaunay implements Serializable |
Class visad.DelaunayOverlap extends Delaunay implements Serializable |
Serialized Fields |
boolean sig
Class visad.DelaunayWatson extends Delaunay implements Serializable |
Class visad.SetException extends VisADException implements Serializable |
Class visad.UnimplementedException extends VisADException implements Serializable |
Class visad.VisADException extends java.lang.Exception implements Serializable |