Class Summary |
BushPaint |
ClippingMapListener |
Remove the objects that are not in the specified range and cut the ones that are not fully within it. |
CoordinateConverterListener<COORD> |
Does the bridge between a map listener that works in Garmin coordinates and a listener that works in
map coordinated (pixels) |
DiscoverTypesMapListener |
A map listener to discover all the object types available. |
DualTransformedMapListener |
A TransformedMapListener that forwards to two other TransformedMapListener. |
FindObjectByNameListener |
Special map listener used to find an object according to its name. |
FindObjectByPositionListener |
Special map listener used to find an object according to its coordinates. |
FoundObject |
FoundPoint |
FoundPoly |
ImgConstants |
ImgConstants.Description |
ImgConstants.PointDescription |
ImgConstants.PolygonDescription |
ImgConstants.PolylineDescription |
InternationalBorderStroke |
Draw small "+" to show a country border. |
LabelDeClutteringFilter |
Sort the labels by importance for latter drawing. |
MapDrawer |
MapTransformer<T> |
Generic class used to do the conversion between 4 different coordinate systems:
WGS84 coordinates
Garmin coordinates (derivative from WGS84)
User defined coordinate system (X/Y), defined by a converter class
Map coordinates (pixels), basically the user defined coordinate system
scaled to fit the desired zoom level and position to display. |
PolyLabelReducerListener |
Usually, streets are split between more than one polyline. |
RailStroke |
Used to draw train rails. |
ReliefDrawer<COORD> |
RocksPaint |
ShapeStroke |
StatsListener |
Collect some statistics about what is being drawn and forward everything to the next listener. |