Core library usage

The main entry point is the ImgFilesBag class. You basically instanciate it and add some IMG files in it:

    ImgFilesBag maps=new ImgFilesBag();
    File file=new File("/home/patrick/gps/maps/00000002.img");

Or else, you can add a whole directory in it:

    maps.addDirectory(new File("/home/patrick/gps/maps"));

The directory must contain at the same level a set of IMG files and, optionally a PDB file. The presence of the PDB file will speed-up the initial reading since this file contains an index of the IMG files.

Then to read the content of the map, you have to create a listener that will receive the different objects the map is composed of:

    public static class TestListener implements MapListener
        public void addPoint(int type, int subType, int longitude, int latitude,
                             Label label, boolean indexed)
            ... your code here ...

        public void addPoly(int type, int[] longitudes, int[] latitudes,
                            int nbPoints, Label label, boolean line)
            ... your code here ...

        public void startMap(ImgFileBag file)
            ... your code here ...

        public void startSubDivision(SubDivision subDivision)
            ... your code here ...

        public void finishPainting()
            ... your code here ...

Finally, you call one of the following:

    //for having the objects read as fast as possible, maxLon, minLat, maxLat, resolution, ObjectKind.ALL, null, listener);

    //for having the objects in an order suitable for drawing
    maps.readMapForDrawing(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat, resolution, ObjectKind.ALL, listener);

From here, you can do whatever you want with the data. If you want to display it in a Swing application, see this page.


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